What We Do

Public Sector Platforms & Services

[s]Cube helps government agencies bring modern, on-line solutions to their citizens and to automate inefficient processes, resulting in costs savings, work reductions for staff and improved service for taxpayers.

Permitting & Licensing Solutions Icon

Permitting & Licensing Solutions


  • Accela: Powerful, enterprise level land management systems at scale.
  • Clariti: Powerful, easy to implement, and cost effective Salesforce based permitting solutions.
  • ClerkXpress: Simple, inexpensive, easy to use online permits and license portals. Learn more.
ClerkXpress software solution powered by [s]Cube, Inc.
Powered by [s]Cube
Court management solutions icon

Court Management Solutions

We understand the intricacies of day-to-day court operations and the technology challenges. Our Court Solutions team can help you implement, extend, integrate, and customize a wide variety of court solutions on the market today.

Government Tax & Accounting icon

Government Tax & Accounting

We can help implement, customize or integrate any municipal financial systems on any platform regardless of technology. We’ve worked extensively with products like MUNIS and a variety of ERP systems used by municipalities across the country.

  • City Government
  • County Finances
  • County Trustees
  • Tax Collectors


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Let’s work together on your next project.