What We Do

Technology Services

[s]Cube has the proven ability to pivot quickly, learn new SAAS platforms and business sectors, and provide highly flexible and customized teams to assist in bringing complex customer projects online quickly, efficiently, and with contract discipline.

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Data Analytics & Transformation

  • Data Conversions/ETL Services: Turnkey solutions to extract and transform legacy data into modern platforms.
  • Unique Analytics Solutions: We can make ANY data actionable and reportable…from database sources or electronic forms or legacy paper solutions.
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Systems Integration

  • Scripting & Customization: Connect your business systems so that they “speak” the same language, based on your custom business rules and needs so you can bring best of breed solutions to your business challenges.
  • Interface/Adaptors: Extend your current systems functionality using APIs or add-on solutions.
  • Infrastructure & Support: Design, deployment and IT infrastructure management for Cloud and on-premise.
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Platform Deployment

  • QA/Testing/Automation: [s]Cube can provide experienced software/systems testing specialists, or we can help design and deploy partially or fully automated testing solution using the latest automation platforms.
  • Reports & Forms: Our data reporting team can solve any reporting needs from SQL to Oracle to any platform including Microsoft BI, Looker, Tableau or any other modern web based reporting solutions on the market.
  • Training (Turnkey): [s]Cube can build custom training solutions for your teams or for your customers on any platform or technology you require. We can deliver them online in person or develop them for asynchronous consumption.
  • Technical Support: [s]Cube can be an outsource option for your technical support team needs, either directly servicing your customers under a white-label arrangement, or indirectly by supporting your team’s needs to free up valuable resources elsewhere. We can do so fully or partially, with full-time talent or with partial resources on an as-needed basis. We can even provide bursting options to support a new product release or to cover
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IT Project Management Services

Experienced IT Project Management teams and services, from BAs, to PMs, and including technical analysts, developers, scripters, data management experts, and any other project services required to bring the project in on time and on budget. We can do this as a team or on an individual role basis, and we offer full-time or partial resourcing options.

Let’s work together on your next project.